
Troop Quotes was originally started as a Twitter account in which Boy Scouts and members of the Venturing, BSA program could get a laugh at common thoughts and ideas, along with quotes from fellow scouts, and yet could share there scouting memories. While the Twitter account remains true to those values, this blog is more. This blog gives you honest experiences and lessons learned by scouts, both adult leaders and youth leaders, along with awesome ideas for camping and activities. So welcome to the all new Troop Quotes!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Vacation time!

MACKLe and the Troop Quotes staff decided to take 2 weeks off. We'll all be back next Sunday on June 17. However, continue to send us your emails so we can answer and write our articles the way you want!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Rainy Day Activities: Jeopardy

You should always have a few activities inside of the troop room in case the weather doesn't allow for you to go outside, or if things just don't go as planned. We at Troop Quotes want to give you some ideas on how you can keep all the scouts entertained, while doing things worth while. Here is one idea that you can use.


All you need for this game is either a computer program to make the "virtual jeopardy." But what if you don't have this?? It's simple... get a white board/chalk board, and make up some trivia cards for each category, and follow these rules:

  1. Split into two teams.
  2. Flip a coin to see who goes first. 
  3. Let the first person of the team answer the question for the amount of points the question is worth. If the member doesn't know it, the team can help him for half of the questions point-value.
  4. If the entire team gets the question wrong, the opposing team can answer the question for full worth.
  5. Move on to first person of next team, repeat steps 3 & 4. (Note: if the other team steals the question, they still get their turn.)
  6. Remember to move to each player. Each player can answer once until everyone has answered.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Scout is... "Trustworthy"

Trustworthy -- (1)

It's the first point in the scout law. It's the reason the saying "Scout's Honor" exists. A scout is trustworthy.

Being trustworthy is what makes a scout a true leader. It's what makes him loyal. It is the center of his personality.

You should always remember that being trustworthy follows simple principals. One is to not lie. Another is to follow up with what you say by actually doing it. But what is the actual reason that being trustworthy is so important.

Everybody has something called there integrity. It's hard to explain, but its something like your dignity. You should have high expectations for yourself, and when your not living up to them, others and yourself will think less than you. And not being trustworthy is a big turn-off for people. That is why we start with "A scout is... Trustworthy."