
Troop Quotes was originally started as a Twitter account in which Boy Scouts and members of the Venturing, BSA program could get a laugh at common thoughts and ideas, along with quotes from fellow scouts, and yet could share there scouting memories. While the Twitter account remains true to those values, this blog is more. This blog gives you honest experiences and lessons learned by scouts, both adult leaders and youth leaders, along with awesome ideas for camping and activities. So welcome to the all new Troop Quotes!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Scout Is... "Obedient"

We at Troop Quotes are now working on a new series of posts entitled "A Scout Is...". This series will be released weekly on Sundays, until all points on the Scout Law are covered. So for the next twelve weeks, please enjoy and share our well thought out articles of "A Scout Is...".

Obedient -- 7

Obedient. When looking at this word in the scout law, people will generally say the same thing. "You are to obey your leaders, both adult and youth, you are to obey your parents, and you are to obey the laws of the land." However, like all the points in the Scout Law, the is a deeper meaning to the word "obedient".

Some people wonder why we have so many similar words in the Law, such as obedient and loyal. Well, there is a distinction between the two. To stick with the topic of being obedient, the seventh point means to not only obey, but respect the ones and the rules they set, "they" being the ones who are leading and guiding you in both your scouting and non-scouting life; whether it be teachers, parents, preachers, or government leaders. When you obey someone, you do as they tell you, but when you respect, you extend your obedience to when your not even directed. When you respect, you are to show that you understand the importance of following the expectations they have, and that you see that they are doing their best, even when you may not like what they are doing.

These may be great ways for a scout to be obedient, but what about adult leaders? Adult leaders are obedient by putting the boy before him. This is a selfless act that shows that you are obedient to the ideals of scouting, realizing it is for the boy and not for you. However, you show your authority when necessary, though not overly dramatic about it.

If you have any questions about any situation, however specific or general, about this point in the Scout Law, please e-mail us at troopquotes@gmail.com

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