
Troop Quotes was originally started as a Twitter account in which Boy Scouts and members of the Venturing, BSA program could get a laugh at common thoughts and ideas, along with quotes from fellow scouts, and yet could share there scouting memories. While the Twitter account remains true to those values, this blog is more. This blog gives you honest experiences and lessons learned by scouts, both adult leaders and youth leaders, along with awesome ideas for camping and activities. So welcome to the all new Troop Quotes!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

SPL and Adult Leadership

Do you ever wish your troop was more "boy run?" It doesn't matter if you are an adult or a boy, most people want a troop or crew to be more boy lead. Sticking with a troop, however, the boy in charge is known as the SPL, and there are some things that you may do to make sure your troop is running as smooth as possible, all while being boy lead.

For instance, some troops have problems with adults interrupting during the meeting, or butting in to take over a task that is trying to be led by scouts. Well, the solution may sound harsh adults, but from years of observation I can tell you what works best. ADULTS: during the meeting, you are not allowed to talk to any of the boys. That is, unless you are the Scoutmaster (not Assistant Scoutmaster), you can give direction to the SPL, who then gives the orders to the boys.

Now, time for the SPL. If boy scouts is supposed to be boy led, then make it that way. However, I remember when I was SPL, I tried to do way too many things at once. I will admit, I didn't believe in the Patrol Method for a long time, but after being a SPL several times, I realized I couldn't do it all. Have the Patrol leaders take over for you, let them lead some things, and don't have all the boys ask you questions. Have them ask their Patrol Leaders, who can then ask you or your ASPL for further question.

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